Sunday, 12 August 2012

Travel Series: Whats in my on-flight cosmetic bag

Hi Everyone,

I'm heading off overseas to a lovely warm tropical location in about a weeks time. Cant wait to leave this dreadful winter!

I thought I would show you what skincare and hygiene products I will be travelling with, to give you all ideas for your own travels.

The title of the post is somewhat deceiving because for one thing I don't actually carry a cosmetic bag. It is a clear pouch. This is important because it saves you having to open up everything in your bag at security checks. If its not already in a clear pouch, they will give you one anyway. Secondly, I don't actually carry cosmetics onto the flight (except for stuff I have bought duty free - stay tuned for that exciting post). I tend to only carry a few skin care items. Wearing makeup on flight is not only unnecessary but can be damaging to your skin, causing breakouts and dryness due to the environmental temperature and humidity changes.

So onto my pouch:

1. Hand Sanitiser: this is a necessity no matter where you are going. Airports, aeroplanes and public bathrooms are great breeding grounds for bacteria. Its inconvenient and sometimes impossible to go to the lavatory every time you want to wash your hands before touching your face/eating/applying creams. So carrying a sanitiser is highly recommended.

2. Kleenex tissues: You never know when you might need some Kleenex for sinuses, allergies or that tear-jerker-rom-com you watch on-flight.

3. Time of Month Essentials - enough said.

4. Moisturiser: The one I am choosing to fly with me is the Vitamin E Moisture Cream by The Body Shop. I have not had a chance to use it very much yet. But I have heard great things about it. Qualities that an in flight-moisturiser needs are: hydrating, less than 100mls container, can use for face and hands and non-offensive smelling to other passengers. I think the Vitamin E Cream has all of these properties. I will keep you posted on what I think of it.

Note: I may purchase the Origins Drink up 10 minute mask at the airport in which case I will be using this instead of a moisturiser.

5. Eye cream: My under-eyes have a tendency to become very dry in air conditioned environments, particularly flights. So a basic eye cream that is moisturising is key. The one I am taking is the Rebe eye cream with olive leaf extract. Its nothing fancy, just does the job and is one of my many products I need to use up.

6. Lip Balm: Like my under-eyes, my lips are just as likely to flake out. Nivea is my tried and tested balm of choice. I have used it for the last 10 years and like a great pair of jeans, nothing compares.

7. White Glo Flossing sticks: I had some of these lying around my drawers so I thought I would take them with. I will be relying on the airline to provide a toothbrush, otherwise plan B includes a lot of gum.

8. Hair ties and bobby pins: self explanatory.

Other tips

  •  If you have samples or testers, on-flight is a great time to test them out as they will be tidy to travel with. Be careful though, because if you have sensitive skin, on flight may not be the best time to test out a skin care product for the first time in case you end up with severe allergies or breakouts.
  • A face mask is a great idea, particularly for night time and long haul flights. Only thing is to ensure they are moisturising masks rather than "deep cleaning" or "mattifying" masks. The air on a plane, due to pressure and air-conditioning is hugely drying, so keeping skin as hydrated as possible is key.
  • If you cant bare to go out in public without a bit of eye makeup, keeping baby wipes or makeup wipes in your hand bag is useful.
  • If you have an expensive moisturiser or face serum that is in a bottle >100mls and you want to use it on-flight, decanting it into a small sample container or travel container (that you can pick up from any department store) is always an option. 
Let me know if there is anything else that you would recommend I carry that I may have forgotten!
Stay tuned for further travel series posts, including my medical kit and makeup bag contents.

Beauty Doc

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