Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Diminishing Cellulite? Plus Mini Forme Spa Review

Hi everyone,

I have personally had cellulite since I was 13.  in that time it has increased and decreased in appearance depending on my weight, fitness level and diet. While I have not yet seen a *cure* for cellulite (although technically it is not a disease, and 90% of post-pubertal women have it); from what I have read and personal experience, it can be diminished

Cellulite is due to factors including:
1. Genetics - probably the largest contributor
2. Distribution and size of fat cells
3. Age
4. Hormones

Now of the above 4 factors, we can only change one of them and that is the size of fat cells. Basically in order to diminish the appearance of cellulite you need to:
1. Reduce fat intake in diet
2. Exercise to promote blood circulation
3. Massage cellulitic areas to improve lymphatic circulation

I went to a spa about 2 weeks ago with some girlfriends for a "body polish" which in layman terminology is a full body exfoliation. Let me tell you...It was HEAVEN. I came out of it feeling so refreshed and my skin was amazingly smooth. My girlfriends felt much the same. They used some sort of cocunutty-lime-yummy-smelling granular scrub and exfoliated my arms, legs, back and decolletage then rubbed in some even better smelling moisturising cream.

The lady who did my body polish was very helpful and advised me that doing a dry body brush every day before showering can leave your skin looking smooth consistently AND it can even help with cellulite.

So, almost religiously I have been doing the dry body brushing daily. It has certainly improved my skin texture on my upper and lower limbs and acts as an exfoliant. I don't know if its just this (or the fact that I have attempted to improve my diet and started Pilate's again) but I feel my cellulite appearance has decreased on my buttocks/back thighs. Can you say PLACEBO! I know, but still I will continue to use this brush because *I think* it works.

FYI - I went to www.formespa.co.nz. Their staff were so very friendly and knowledgeable. The whole experience has made me look forward to future visits to them.

If all else fails, you can always learn to live with your cellulite. Or try liposuction.

Beauty Doc

PS: This is not my medical opinion, this is just my own personal experience. I have never researched or studied Cellulite.  See your family doctor for legit medical advice.

PPS: If you would like further information on cellulite, one of my favourite websites for dermatological conditions is www.dermnetnz.org Its always fun looking up random conditions and seeing gross pictures. *Maybe thats just me?*

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