Hey Everyone,
Here is my final post in the Travel Series; contents of my makeup bag! I am someone that doesn't wear makeup everyday, however since I will be on vacation, which means lots of fine dining (lol), partying and excessive picture taking; I will certainly be wearing make up more frequently. The products I will be taking with me are my truly tried and tested items. They are no-fuss and more importantly no-mess products.
Lets get straight to it.
1. Random sample sized body moisturiser (Nivea) - This isn't really a makeup item, but its something I'll carry with me on outdoor excursions to keep my skin hydrated (along with sunscreen).
2. Elf bronzer compact - In medicine the word for when you use something (usually a drug) for something other than what it was originally intended for is "Off-label". Well I will be using the elf bronzer "Off-Label." I don't particularly like the actual powdery/chalky bronzer powder but I love the large compact mirror it has in it. This will be used for doing makeup on-the-go.
3. Perfume - I'm taking my Dior travel sized Le Parfums. These are nice to travel with because they don't take up a lot of space and if you lose/break one of them, its not a huge loss.
4. Utensils - eyelash curler and tweezers.
5. Moroccan Oil - this is more hair product than make-up but hey, it fits in my bag. It makes my hair super soft and smell nice. But I have a feeling with the level of humidity in our destination, no amount of oil will be able to tame the crazy hair-mess that will appear.
5. Mac eyeshadows: "Woodwinked" and "Bronze" are favourites in my collection because they're neutral, metallic and very complimentary to tanned skin.
6. Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Ultra-Light Skin Perfecting Makeup - I will probably not be using this very much because of how hot it will be and the potential to look like a melting plastic doll in that instance. But its there for reassurance. In case you're wondering I wear the colour 40 Beige.
7. Concealer - Mac Select Moisture cover is my main under-eye concealer I will be taking; but once again, I don't know how much I will be using this because its consistency is not great for sweaty skin, but its pretty good on the eye lids as an eye shadow primer instead. The YSL Touche Eclat will definitely be my "concealer" of choice instead. I say "concealer" because its actually a high-lighter and doesn't cover up a whole lot (e.g. Blemishes). But boy when you put this on under your eyes, it looks like you came out of an 8 hour luxury spa.
8. Lipsticks: Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet in La Ravissante is my favourite reddish-orange matte lipstick and goes with me everywhere. I am taking the Maybelline Colorsensational lipstick in Coral Crush as a bright alternative.
9. Blushes: Mac Peaches is my powder blush of choice. Mac Something Special and Bobbi Brown Cabo Coral are the Creme blushes that I prefer. I presume I will be reaching for powder rather than cream blushes because of the humidity.
10. Mascara and Eyeliner - My trusty Black Track Fluidline Gel Eyeliner by mac will be coming with, along with Mac Smolder Eye Kohl for when I want a smokey look. Covergirl Lashblast Mascara delivers volume to my sparse lashes and Loreal Telescopic delivers the length. To be honest I probably wont even wear mascara based on all the water activities we will be doing. Maybe its time to invest in a waterproof version?
11. Makeup brushes - eyeliner, eyeshadow and blush brush. I apply my foundation with my hands so wont need a foundation brush.
12. Other random stuff that fits in my bag: Spray tan (because you don't want to be pasty on day 1 of the vacation hehe) and Lucas Paw Paw ointment for pretty much ANYTHING (chapped lips, dry patches of skin, sunburn, glossy eyelids etc).
Somehow all of that fits into this one zip up bag, the design of which I love:
One last thing. Since this is my final in the Travel Series posts I thought I would add in a extra. This is my "Important stuff travel wallet" which I highly recommend using. Its a wallet that has separate compartments for cash, passport, travel documents, cheques etc. Its convenient and very cute! Thank you to one of my girlfriends from whom this was a birthday gift, perfect timing!
I hope you all enjoyed this Travel Series and I managed to give you all some idea's for your own travels. I will be returning to the world of blogging after my vacation!
Let me know if there is anything you have seen in these posts that you would like a more in-depth review on or if you have any questions.
Bon Voyage
Beauty Doc
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