Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Quest for the perfect eye cream

Hey Everyone,

For the longest time I have had a tumultuous relationship with eye-creams. I thought I'd share my experience with these products and let you know the ones that have worked out the best for me.

L-->R Nivea Aqua Sensation Anti-Shadow Eye Cream, Tebe Gentle Eye Cream, Origins Eye Doctor, Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye Concentrate, Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado.

My first ever eye cream at age 16 was the the Nivea Aqua Sensation Anti-Shadow. It was perfect for my main concern at the time which was dark shadow's under my eyes. It worked well to improve these and I continued to use it until my university years when I found it was discontinued in NZ. I was devastated (maybe an exaggeration) but this meant I had to find an alternative. I tried the Clinique All About Eyes which worked okay for a month until I began to get severe eye lid eczema and this seemed to only worsen it (so much for an "allergy tested" brand). After that I used the very gentle Tebe Eye Cream which didn't do much more than provide my under eye area with some moisture. After that it was the Origins Eye Doctor. This like the Clinique worked okay until once again i developed under eye eczema. This finally led me to my two favourite eye creams to date, both by Kiehl's

Here's what I think of the Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado (CETWA):

This is a superb moisturising eye cream. It comes out of the tub like any other cream (except it's avocado green);  it then emulsifies into a silky gel that in combination with warmth from the skin glides on incredibly smooth. It keeps my under eye's moisturised well overnight and throughout the day. It can be greasy if you over-apply and you only need a tiny amount. It does prevent dark circles and puffiness but it will not get rid of them. The best part about this eye cream is it wont migrate into your eye and cause irritation.

 Here's what I think of the Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye Concentrate (MREC):

After using the Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado I was well impressed. About 4 months ago I started doing a Surgical Rotation which meant I was constantly sleep deprived and as a result had horrendous puffiness and dark circles under my eyes. So in my hunt for a de-puffing and anti-circle eye cream I came across reviews for the Midnight Recovery Eye. Having used the serum in this brand, (see this post: beautydoctor25.blogspot.co.nz/2012/07/kiehls-midnight-recovery-concentrate.html) I had high expectations. They were all met. This is a very smooth soft cream that somehow manages to reduce puffiness and dark circles almost overnight. Like the serum, you wake up looking like you've had a restful sleep, even if you haven't! It does have a slight scent of lavender but hardly noticed once its blended into the skin.
On a side note I was reading Cosmopolitan Magazine the other day and found that this concentrate won the 2012 Cosmopolitan Beauty Award for Best Eye Cream. So clearly I'm not the only one in love.

I alternate use of the two Kiehl's eye cream at the moment. If I know I wont be getting a decent sleep, MREC comes in handy. If I'm having a sleep-in the next morning I got with the CETWA. I cant recommend Kiehl's products enough (and I promise I'm not paid to say this either)!

Fine lines are not yet a concern for me so I cannot comment on these cream's as anti-wrinkle agents; but I do think that starting use of an Eye Cream at a young age works in preventing wrinkles years later. As we know prevention is far better than cure.

Let me know what your favourite eye creams are!

Beauty Doc


  1. I also have eye eczema and am constantly searching for an effective and gentle eye moisturizer. Do you find that when you use a new eye cream it can be effective for some time and then become completely useless or actually makes things worse?

    1. Hi Eva, I agree the products that work initially may stop working in the future. Usually for one of 3 reasons: 1. the product expired 2. You have developed a hypersensitivity reaction 3. Your skin has developed a sort of immunity to the active ingredient in the products. Its very individual which one works for each person and I guess there is no better way to figure it out than trial and error. I hope you are successful in finding a "go-to" eye cream that you can count on. Let me know if you do!
